Thursday 16 October 2014

Jamie Harper The Shining

The Shining 2 scene analysis

The first scene I am doing is the start of the scene which is called Wednesday in the film. The scene starts with Danny playing with his toy keys on the rug and the camera is at a high angle looking at Danny playing with his cars. The effect this has on me is that God is looking over on Danny kind of protecting him from danger. Throughout the start of this scene there is none diegetic music playing that for me creates a gloomy atmosphere as the music is quite scary and is a typical convection for a horror film. Also with the music it makes me feel like something bad is going to happen pretty soon as in films like Freddy vs Jason something bad happens after the music is played like when the woman is in the shower, gloomy music is being played and straight after her boyfriend is killed by Jason. The camera then goes behind Danny and goes in to a long shot of him, and also the camera shows the rest of the corridor which is empty and is a typical convection for a horror film as its empty long corridor with a lonely helpless character (Danny). The music gets louder and then the camera edits to Danny at the front. As Danny stands up and shouts “mom” the camera goes to a mid-shot of Danny standing up.  The music gets louder and deeper at this point which makes me feel that danger is around the corner. As Danny starts to walk down the corridor the music then gets quieter again and the camera then pan’s forward as if we are looking out of Danny’s eyes as he makes his way forward down the corridor. The music gets louder this time as Danny makes his way to room 237 and also the music gets deeper which makes me think that there is danger in that room and something bad is going to happen to Danny as the music is creating a dangerous tension and also by Danny walking slowly towards the room it is building the tension up as he goes along as he walking slowly and it makes me want to know what is in that room and it keeps me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens when Danny goes to room 237. This is a typical convection of a horror film with the building up of dangerous tension as it makes me feel that something dangerous is about to happen. As Danny gets to room 237, the camera edits to Wendy so we don’t actually know what happens to Danny as he enters the room so for me the end of that scene created suspense as I wanted to know what happened to Danny when he entered room 237. Throughout the scene there is high key lighting which I think is unusual for a horror film as normally the typical convention if a horror film the lighting is low key because with low key lighting it normally means there is danger.

The next scene I am doing is towards the end, just after Wendy had slit Jack’s hand with a knife (which is a typical weapon convection for a horror film) as Jack is trying to get into the bathroom and kill her by smashing the door down with an axe which is again is a typical weapon convection for a horror film. The scene starts with Danny running down the corridor with the camera in front of him going back with him so the camera is always showing a long shot of Danny running. The room he is running in is green and green is a sign of sickness and illness which makes me think Danny is going to get hurt very soon. The camera then goes to a mid-shot of Danny as soon as he stopped running to show him looking around which to me he is checking his is safe to hide in this room. The camera then goes to a mid/long shot of Danny getting into a cupboard and this scene is similar to Jurassic Park where the kids in that film are running away from the dinosaurs and they go in the kitchen to hide in some cupboards so the dinosaurs can’t find them. The camera then parallel edits to Jack and pan’s to show him walking down a corridor looking for Jack. The camera is showing Jack as a longshot, and there is a diegetic sound of Jack’s hobbling footsteps as he tries to hunt Danny down. There is also a non-diegetic sound of the wind howling which to me is a typical convection of a horror film as it shows that this hotel is alone and it is also a cold night. The camera then parallel edits again but this time to Wendy and it shows her crying in the corner of the bathroom and the lighting is very high key in this bathroom which to me shows that the bathroom is like a safe place and is safe to hide in away from Jack. At this point the camera is a mid-shot of her. The camera then goes to a close up of her face as she tries to open the door, and by looking at her facial expressions I can tell that she is really struggling to open the door and is beginning to panic. The camera then edits to the chef this time as it shows a mid/long shot of him walking towards the hotel to get in. It is snowing heavily outside the hotel which makes me think they are a little isolated form everyone else as it is extreme weather conditions so people would struggle to get to them in this weather. This is a typical convection of a horror film as it shows how isolated they are from everyone else. The lighting is low key which to me suggests there is danger going to happen soon and again is a typical convection of a horror film. The camera pan’s to show him walking towards the hotel and goes in to a long shot of him trying to get into the hotel. 

By Jamie Harper

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