Wednesday 17 September 2014

Jamie Harper scene task

Film studies scene task

By Jamie Harper


The scene I am choosing to study is in Batman the Dark Night Rises where batman fights bane right at the end. What happens in this scene is the cops of the city fight against bane’s army and Batman and Bane have one final fight right at the end of the film. The result of the fight is that Bane’s masked is broken and he struggles to breathe but is saved by a woman who then stabs Batman right in the chest and then Bane continues in trying to kill Batman as he is now recovered and Batman is weak.

Throughout this scene the lighting is very bright and doesn’t normally get darker and the reason I think the lighting is bright is so that you can see them fighting properly. There is a lot of high key lighting when they are outside fighting but once when they go inside to fight the lighting is a lot more neutral lighting. When Batman is being stabbed the lighting turns to front lighting to show the pain in his face as he has just been stabbed, also the lighting turns a lot more low key as well to create suspense and show danger.

The camera angles change a lot throughout this whole scene and I think the director has done that to try and show how important all parts of the scene are in this film. When the police are walking to fight Bane’s army the camera angle is long shots to show the whole army and also to show all the policemen. The camera then does a medium shot on the leader of the police to show his significance in this scene and also the camera zooms in a little bit when he is shot and dies. When Batman and Bane come face to the camera goes to a close up to show the anger in both of their faces and then zooms out to a long shot to show the whole of the fight and so that you don’t miss anything. When Batman is stabbed and in pain the camera goes to a close up to show of the pain he is in and the camera also goes to a extreme close up to show how far the knife has actually gone inside him and the agony that is caused by him being stabbed.

There is a lot of diegetic sounds throughout the scene but also there is a few non-diegetic sounds for example when there is shots being fired and also when people are getting stabbed as that is not happening right now, that has already been pre-recorded. The film doesn’t use music and I think that it doesn’t to create suspense in the scene and to focus on the fighting between the two main characters.

There is a lot of tracking shots in this scene as the camera is trying to track all the action so the camera follows the action and moves along with it. There is also a lot of zoom on to characters to show how important they are during this scene.

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